T.I. Responds to Assault Allegations

T.I. has broken his silence five months after sexual assault and drugging allegations were made against him.
Back in January, Sabrina Peterson – a former family friend of the “ASAP” rapper and his wife, Tameka “Tiny” Harris – accused him of putting a gun to her head and threatening to kill her at a children’s party in 2009.
Since then, more than 30 other women have come forward to accuse the couple of drugging and sexually assaulting them over the past few years.
On Tuesday, 8 June, T.I. addressed these claims via a music video for his new song, “What It’s Come To”. The beginning of the video starts with an audio clip of Peterson demanding an apology from him, albeit set against a laugh track.
From visuals of news clippings and photographs of the couple, to the unsubtle lyrics – “The object of the game is kill the king / So ‘til the blade meet my neck on guillotine” – it’s clear that the 40-year-old rapper deems the allegations as a conspiracy plot against him and his wife.
The investigation against the couple is presumably still ongoing.
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